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On OS X Wing picks up a different env configuration when started from the Finder than if you start it from the command line, which you can do by using /Applications/ (optionally with --new option to start a 2nd+ instance).

That said, I think with the click package the best approach is just to define LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 (or whichever value you want) in your Environment in Project Properties, from the Project menu.  That way it's explicit and works regardless of which environment Wing inherits.

On OS X Wing picks up a different env configuration when started from the Finder than if you start it from the command line, which you can do by using /Applications/ (optionally with --new option to start a 2nd+ instance).

instance). That said, I think with the click package the best approach is just to define LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 (or whichever value you want) in your Environment in Project Properties, from the Project menu.  That way it's explicit and works regardless of which environment Wing inherits.