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I am not using pyinstaller.

The problem occurs when matplotlib is imported before enaml (the qt framework I am using). The work around is to import enaml before matplotlib.

I compared both setups (command line and wingide). The only difference I found was that wingide injects the following environment variables:   'PYTHONIOENCODING', 'WINGDB_ACTIVE', 'WINGDB_PARENT_PIDS', 'WINGDB_SPAWNCOOKIE'   Thanks,



Hi, I am not using pyinstaller.

pyinstaller. The problem occurs when matplotlib is imported before enaml (the qt framework I am using). The work around is to import enaml before matplotlib.

matplotlib. I compared both setups (command line and wingide). The only difference I found was that wingide injects the following environment variables:   'PYTHONIOENCODING', 'WINGDB_ACTIVE', 'WINGDB_PARENT_PIDS', 'WINGDB_SPAWNCOOKIE'   Thanks,

Thanks, Amit