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These are set in the file's properties or by defining a Named Entry Point.

For the file properties, right-click on the file or the file name in the Project tool and select Properties. This dialog is also shown by default when you start debug, unless you've disabled it.

Named Entry Points would be used if you want to define different environment or arguments for the same file; they are accessed from the Debug > Named Entry Points menu item.

The relevant docs pages are:

Also note that if you have a particular file set as the main entry point in a project, for example with the Debug > Set Current as Main Entry Point menu item, then the Debug > Debug Environment menu item also brings up the file properties dialog for the main entry point file.

These are set in the file's properties or by defining a Named Entry Point.

For the file properties, right-click on the file or the file name in the Project tool and select Properties. This dialog is also shown by default when you start debug, unless you've disabled it.

Named Entry Points would be used if you want to define different environment or arguments for the same file; they are accessed from the Debug > Named Entry Points menu item.

The relevant docs pages are:

Also note that if you have a particular file set as the main entry point in a project, for example with the Debug > Set Current as Main Entry Point menu item, then the Debug > Debug Environment menu item also brings up the file properties dialog for the main entry point file.