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Wing does not interpret the < operator like the bash command line so it's not going to send the contents of usa.txt to the code when you set the arguments to this.  The only work-arounds I can think of are either to use wingdbstub to initiate debug so you can type a command line with < outside of Wing (see for details) or modify your code to start by reading the file and redirect stdio.  It would be something like this untested code:

import sys
from StringIO import StringIO  # In Python 3 it's from io import StringIO instead
f = open('usa.txt')
txt =
sys.stdin = StringIO(txt)

Wing does not interpret the < operator like the bash command line so it's not going to send the contents of usa.txt to the code when you set the arguments to this.  The only work-arounds I can think of are either to use wingdbstub to initiate debug so you can type a command line with < outside of Wing (see for details) or modify your code to start by reading the file and redirect stdio.  It would be something like this untested code:

import sys
from StringIO import StringIO  # In Python 3 it's from io import StringIO instead
f = open('usa.txt')
txt =
sys.stdin = StringIO(txt)