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With Wing Personal you need to set up a file sharing system of some type so the same files are available on the Raspberry Pi and the machine where Wing is running.  This can be as simple as rsync or sftping them over each time you're ready to debug, or something like samba for real file sharing.

Wing Pro has more advanced remote development support that takes care of this automatically.

With Wing Personal you need to set up a file sharing system of some type so the same files are available on the Raspberry Pi and the machine where Wing is running.  This can be as simple as rsync or sftping them over each time you're ready to debug, or something like samba for real file sharing.

Wing Pro has more advanced remote remove development support that takes care of this automatically.

With Wing Personal you need to set up a file sharing system of some type so the same files are available on the Raspberry Pi and the machine where Wing is running.  This can be as simple as rsync or sftping them over each time you're ready to debug, or something like samba for real file sharing.

Wing sharing.Wing Pro has more advanced remove development support that takes care of this automatically.