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In Wing Pro there are "Symbol To *" refactoring operations for converting between UpperCamelCase, lowerCamelCase, under_score_name, and UNDER_SCORE_NAME forms.  To use that, click on the symbol an use the items in the Refactor menu or right click to get a menu that includes a Refactor group.  This will change all points of use of that symbol, whether in the current file or not so is probably a lot easier to use than search/replace.

If you do need to write code for the conversion, you'ld have to do it via the scripting API which is documented at probably by operating directory on the CAPIDocument.

In Wing Pro there are "Symbol To *" refactoring operations for converting between UpperCamelCase, lowerCamelCase, under_score_name, and UNDER_SCORE_NAME forms.  To use that, click on the symbol an use the items in the Refactor menu or right click to get a menu that includes a Refactor group.  This will change all points of use of that symbol, whether in the current file or not so is probably a lot easier to use than search/replace.

If search/replace.If you do need to write code for the conversion, you'ld have to do it via the scripting API which is documented at probably by operating directory on the CAPIDocument.