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It might work to activate the environment on the command line and start Wing from there and set the Python Executable in Project Properties to Default, so the activated environment is used. That does of course require quitting and restarting Wing for each different env, rather than just switching projects.

We'll try to fix the problem with spaces in the activate.bat full path -- it's a side effect of limitations in passing things in envs to batch scripts that we need to work around somehow. I'll increase the priority on this since it sounds like this isn't as rare as we thought.

It might work to activate the environment on the command line and start Wing from there and set the Python Executable in Project Properties to Default, so the activated environment is used. That does of course require quitting and restarting Wing for each different env, rather than just switching projects.

We'll try to fix the problem with spaces in the activate.bat full path -- it's a side effect of limitations in passing things in envs to batch scripts that we need to work around somehow. I'll increase the priority on this since it sounds like this isn't as rare as we thought.