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This occurs on Windows (at least) when Anaconda is installed without setting PATH. It occurs both inside Wing and if Anaconda is run from the command line. The option to set PATH during installation is disabled by default in the installer but the problems can be avoided by enabling it. However, enabling it only works for one installation at a time and might cause conflicts if running multiple installations of Anaconda.
Another work-around is to run Scripts\activate in the Anaconda installation on the command line and then start Wing from the command line within that activation. This causes Wing to inherited the necessary PATH env.
Or you can add to PATH in Wing's Project Properties with something similar to this:
The advantage of the latter is that you don't need to quit and restart Wing if switching Anaconda installations.
This occurs on Windows (at least) when Anaconda is installed without setting PATH. It occurs both inside Wing and if Anaconda is run from the command line. The This option to set PATH during installation is disabled by default in the installer but the problems can be avoided by enabling it. However, enabling it only works for one installation at a time and might cause conflicts if running multiple installations of
Another work-around is to run Scripts\activate in the Anaconda installation on the command line and then start Wing from the command line within that activation. This causes Wing to inherited the necessary PATH env.
Or you can add to PATH in Wing's Project Properties with something similar to this:
The advantage of the latter is that you don't need to quit and restart Wing if switching Anaconda installations.
This occurs on Windows (at least) are least when Anaconda is installed without setting PATH. This option is disabled by default in the installer but the problems can be avoided by enabling it.
Another work-around is to run Scripts\activate in the Anaconda installation on the command line and then start Wing from the command line within that activation. This causes Wing to inherited the necessary PATH env.
Or you can add to PATH in Wing's Project Properties with something similar to this:
The advantage of the latter is that you don't need to quit and restart Wing if switching Anaconda installations.