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The best way to do this is to this is in the Debug Probe, which is available in Wing Pro. That's a Python shell that runs everything in the context of the current debug stack frame so you can inspect any part or all of the value.

You may also want to increase the Debugger > Data Display > Huge List Threshold preference to allow seeing the value in Stack Data. If it's below that configured length threshold then you can expand the value to see the integer value of each byte. Those can be hexadecimal if desired by setting the Debugger > Integer Display Mode preference.

You can also enter an expression like b[:50] into the Watch tool to see part of the value, as long as the threshold is below the Huge List Threshold preference value.

All that said, I was surprised in trying this that we don't show the first part in b'x...' form and think that's a bug, which we'll try to fix soon. The only way I could get that was in the Debug Probe. Right-clicking on the value in Stack Data and selecting Show as Text should also be showing the b'x...' form and not what it currently shows. And View as Array (also by right-clicking) is not showing anything at all for me, which is also wrong. Once fixed, that will be able to show values of any size without performance problems since it incrementally loads the value. Thanks for reporting these issues.