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It looks like Wing does not try to use .gitignore to decide about what is shown in the Project view, I think on the assumption that you may want to still see files that you don't commit to the repository.

You can edit the Hidden and Temporary Files file filter in the Files > File Types > File Filters preference to add things to exclude from the view. This is the default for what's excluded. You can also right-click on items in the Project view to manually Remove/Exclude specific items or right click on a directory for Directory Properties.

We'll try to make this more flexible.

It looks like Wing does not try to use .gitignore to decide about what is shown in the Project view, I think on the assumption that you may want to see still see files that you don't commit to the repository.

You can edit the Hidden and Temporary Files file filter in the Files > File Types > File Filters preference to add things to exclude from the view. This is the default for what's excluded. You can also right-click on items in the Project view to manually Remove/Exclude specific items or right click on a directory for Directory Properties.

We'll try to make this more flexible.