List of upcoming features

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Is there a list of upcoming features available somewhere? I have a list of features from my previous IDE that I'd like in its replacement, but I'd hate to ask "Does Wing to this/that" incessantly if there's a list that I can refer to.

mhamilt's avatar
asked 2022-03-31 10:11:05 -0500
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There isn't a public list of upcoming features. We used to do that but for the more complex things we've found it's not a good idea to try to predict when things will actually make it into a release. In fact our internal list is under review right now as we start to look towards Wing 9.

That said, there's no problem at all either asking here or emailing us at support@wingware.com and we'll be happy to comment on the things that you are looking for. In fact, I'd like to encourage you to do so, since in the end all our development is driven by customer requests and feedback.

Note also that going through the Quick Start Guide or Tutorial in Wing's Help menu may answer some of your questions about whether Wing has support for something. But, again, please don't hesitate to ask about any details.


Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-03-31 10:28:03 -0500
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