why does "import filename" give a SYNTAX error

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I have a file A.py in the project directory and another file B.py in the same directory. In B I have the statement "import A" in the first line. I get the following error message:

Syntax Error: invalid syntax:

The same thing happens with : import A.py, import 'A.py', etc. The error is not that the file is missing or that the file has errors, but rather the import statement is syntactically incorrect.

What to do???

asked 2022-07-21 10:26:34 -0500
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For the record, this was resolved by email. The problem was that the imported filename was not A.py but rather a name that contained dashes like A-1.py. The syntax error was due to 'import A-1' not being valid Python. Python files can be named using dashes in the name but then can only be run directly and not imported. Using underscores as in A_1.py solves the problem since 'import A_1' is valid syntax.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-07-22 08:21:50 -0500
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