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After ending a remote debug project and using a local procect afterwards wing 10 almost shows an hourglass cursor and is horrible slow an unusable. What can I do ?

Wing slow after remote session switching to local

khk's avatar
asked 2024-07-20 05:54:27 -0500
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1 Answer


Could you submit a bug report with an error-log when this happens?

Restarting Wing with the local project should be a workaround for this.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-07-22 09:32:15 -0500
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Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately there are no visible bugs. Everything seems to freeze and an hourglass cursor signals to wait. Restart does NOT help. When I open the remote project, everything is fine again. When I close it and want to work locally the problem comes up. You cannot work anymore. Probably some backround comunication with the remote session before is staying alive. Since I startet with remote debug projects (onbe to a rasperry and a second one to a debian bullyeye linux (wich is working fine by the way) the problem with local development came up. Are there any logfiles to do further analysis or what can I do? Thanks in advance. Karlheinz

khk's avatar khk (2024-07-22 09:43:12 -0500) edit

Submitting a bug report with a log file from Wing's Help menu will send us a log file.

Is Wing unreasonably slow if you start from a local project and never open a remote project?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-07-22 09:53:49 -0500) edit

You can also collect a profile that might show where Wing is spending time:

1) Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-start

2) Use Wing and do something that is sluggish

3) Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-stop

4) Then submit a bug report from Wing's help menu and check the box to include the error-log

Note that if it's hard to do these things because of the sluggishness then you can bind key bindings with the User Interface > Custom Key Bindings preference to the internal-profile-* names or add a toolbar item by right-clicking on the toolbar.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-07-22 12:20:20 -0500) edit
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