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Does WingIDE support git worktree?

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I like to work with so-called worktrees in git ("parallel checkouts of multiple branches"). But WingIDE does not recognize such a directory as being under git control telling me "No git files in project.

BTW: such a worktree directory contains a .git file (not a directory) with one line referring to the main ckeckout.

Andreas Schumann's avatar
Andreas Schumann
asked 2024-10-08 09:26:51 -0500
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1 Answer


I think it doesn't currently support this since it's looking for a .git directory. I'm marking this as a feature request. Thanks for pointing this out to us!

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-10-09 07:31:09 -0500
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Too bad. That means I will not be able to use Wing with one of my customers. When do you think this will be available? Thanks

Andreas Schumann's avatar Andreas Schumann (2024-10-09 11:56:59 -0500) edit

I'm not sure but we'll try to look at it soon.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-10-11 07:48:35 -0500) edit
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