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Type hinting method return based on input type

Hi. I'm wondering if it's possible to have intellisense (or whatever it's call in Wing) to understand what a return type will be based on the input to a method. For example:

apple =
apple.bite() #peel shouldn't be available for code completion, but currently is

orange =
orange.peel() #Orange shouldn't have bite, but currently does

To_types = typing.Union['Apple','Orange','Fruit', None]

class Fruit():
  def can_transform(fruit):
    raise NotImplementedError

  def to(self, subclass:'Apple')-> 'Apple':

  def to(self, subclass:'Orange')-> 'Orange':

  def to(self, subclass:To_types)->To_types:
    result = subclass(self) if subclass.can_transform(self) else None
    return result

class Apple(Fruit):
    def can_transform(fruit):

    def bite(self):

class Orange(Fruit):
    def peel(self):

Thanks for any info on this!

nathanieljla's avatar
asked 2025-02-20 17:23:51 -0600
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1 Answer


As written, doesn't work because def to(self, subclass:'Apple')-> 'Apple': matches when subclass is an instance of Apple not the type object for the Apple class. I suspect you want to use def to(self, subclass: typing.Type['Apple'])-> 'Apple' so that subclass is the type object of the Apple class.

Unfortunately, Wing doesn't not find the right overload if you use subclass: typing.Type['Apple']. This is a bug in Wing and we'll try to fix it soon.

Note that probably a better way to write this is

def to[T: ('Apple', 'Orange')](self, subclass: typing.Type[T]) -> T | None:

This version declares a type parameter that's constrained to Apple or Orange and also specifies that None may be returned. It version uses 3.12+ syntax, but could be written using older syntax. Unfortunately, Wing doesn't determine the correct return type when this version is used; this is also a bug that we'll try to fix.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2025-02-21 21:22:45 -0600
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