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Using the new breakpoint() function

So using breakpoint() in your code will allow Wing to break at that point. However, Wing does not seem to treat it the same as a real breakpoint that you can set in Wing itself. ie. you can't step over/out once you hit a breakpoint().

Am I doing something wrong or does Wing just not support this right now?

Using the new breakpoint() function

So using breakpoint() in your code will allow Wing to break at that point. However, Wing does not seem to treat it the same as a real breakpoint that you can set in Wing itself. ie. you can't step over/out once you hit a breakpoint().

Am I doing something wrong or does Wing just not support this right now?

Using the new breakpoint() function

So using breakpoint() in your code will allow Wing to break at that point. However, Wing does not seem to treat it the same as a real breakpoint that you can set in Wing itself. ie. you can't step over/out once you hit a breakpoint().

Am I doing something wrong or does Wing just not support this right now?

Using the new breakpoint() function

So using breakpoint() in your code will allow Wing to break at that point. However, Wing does not seem to treat it the same as a real breakpoint that you can set in Wing itself. ie. you can't step over/out once you hit a breakpoint().

Am I doing something wrong or does Wing just not support this right now?