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Adding item to editor 'Right-click Editor Menu'
I am running Wing-Pro 6.4.1 on a xubuntu 16.04 Linux system.
I would like to add an option to the 'Right-click Editor Menu' which would generate the 'Super+Z' key combination.('Super' key === 'Windows' key)
This would display my clipboard manager (xfce Clipman) and enable me to paste miscellaneous clipboard data.
The documentation says that the menu can be modified using a script but I'm not sure what command to use.
Adding item to editor 'Right-click Editor Menu'
I am running Wing-Pro 6.4.1 on a xubuntu 16.04 Linux system.
I would like to add an option to the 'Right-click Editor Menu' which would generate the 'Super+Z' key combination.('Super' key === 'Windows' key)
This would display my clipboard manager (xfce Clipman) and enable me to paste miscellaneous clipboard data.
The documentation says that the menu can be modified using a script but I'm not sure what command to use.
Adding item to editor 'Right-click Editor Menu'
I am running Wing-Pro 6.4.1 on a xubuntu 16.04 Linux system.
I system.I would like to add an option to the 'Right-click Editor Menu' which would generate the 'Super+Z' key combination.('Super' key === 'Windows' key)
This key)This would display my clipboard manager (xfce Clipman) and enable me to paste miscellaneous clipboard data.
The data.The documentation says that the menu can be modified using a script but I'm not sure what command to use.