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Using wing pro with pyscaffold
I use pyscaffold to create all my projects and conda to manage the virtual environments. Everything just works in all IDEs (or it has to date). In Wing 7.2 the package imports all show errors, and pytest will not run (it fails with cannot read any output from test runner). The correct environment is active and package modules all run, although the editor shows imports as invalid (even though everything works). Tried under linux and windows. Any ideas?
Using wing pro with pyscaffold
I use pyscaffold to create all my projects and conda to manage the virtual environments. Everything just works in all IDEs (or it has to date). In Wing 7.2 the package imports all show errors, and pytest will not run (it fails with cannot read any output from test runner). The correct environment is active and package modules all run, although the editor shows imports as invalid (even though everything works). Tried under linux and windows. Any ideas?
Using wing pro with pyscaffold
I use pyscaffold to create all my projects and conda to manage the virtual environments. Everything just works in all IDEs (or it has to date). In Wing 7.2 the package imports all show errors, and pytest will not run (it fails with cannot read any output from test runner). The correct environment is active and package modules all run, although the editor shows imports as invalid (even though everything works). Tried under linux and windows. Any ideas?