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Debugging Externally Launched Code (Celery)
I'm trying remote debugging for the first time and can't get it to trigger. I am trying to debug a problem I'm having getting Celery to run. I've put the import wingdbstub, etc. code in my worker code and set a break point on the print statement.
celery_app.conf.imports = [ 'app_web.tasks.tasks']
import wingdbstub
x = 0 / 0
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
When I ran Celery ( celery worker -A celery_worker.celery_app --loglevel=info ), the debugger didn't fire. I added the pdb statements and I got a RuntimeError:WARNING: sys.settrace(>) called: This breaks some debugger functionality. Use 'Ignore this exception location' in the Exceptions tool and restart debugging to suppress this warning but since I didn't get an exception in the IDE I don't see how to ignore it.
I then added the divide by 0 which throws an exception hoping to trigger the debugger but nope. File "D:\SVNRepo\projects-sw\ESI\trunk\env\src\", line 46, in x = 0 / 0ZeroDivisionError: division by zeroOn Windows celery.exe is starting the process but pdb has been triggering in celery_worker, can I get Wing to trigger?
Win 7/64, Python 3.6.2 (Anaconda), Wing 6.0.7-1 (rev 47fe5b0dd72b), accept debug connections is checked, and wingdebugpw are in the same directory as
Debugging Externally Launched Code (Celery)
I'm trying remote debugging for the first time and can't get it to trigger. I am trying to debug a problem I'm having getting Celery to run. I've put the import wingdbstub, etc. code in my worker code and set a break point on the print statement.
celery_app.conf.imports = [ 'app_web.tasks.tasks']
import wingdbstub
x = 0 / 0
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
When I ran Celery ( celery worker -A celery_worker.celery_app --loglevel=info ), the debugger didn't fire. I added the pdb statements and I got a RuntimeError:WARNING: sys.settrace(>) called: This breaks some debugger functionality. Use 'Ignore this exception location' in the Exceptions tool and restart debugging to suppress this warning but since I didn't get an exception in the IDE I don't see how to ignore it.
I then added the divide by 0 which throws an exception hoping to trigger the debugger but nope. File "D:\SVNRepo\projects-sw\ESI\trunk\env\src\", line 46, in x = 0 / 0ZeroDivisionError: division by zeroOn Windows celery.exe is starting the process but pdb has been triggering in celery_worker, can I get Wing to trigger?
Win 7/64, Python 3.6.2 (Anaconda), Wing 6.0.7-1 (rev 47fe5b0dd72b), accept debug connections is checked, and wingdebugpw are in the same directory as
Debugging Externally Launched Code (Celery)
I'm Hi,I'm trying remote debugging for the first time and can't get it to trigger. I am trying to debug a problem I'm having getting Celery to run. I've put the import wingdbstub, etc. code in my worker code and set a break point on the print statement.
celery_app.conf.imports = [ 'app_web.tasks.tasks']
import wingdbstub
x 'app_web.tasks.tasks']import wingdbstubx = 0 / 0
0# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
When pdb.set_trace()print(True) When I ran Celery ( celery worker -A celery_worker.celery_app --loglevel=info ), the debugger didn't fire. I added the pdb statements and I got a RuntimeError:WARNING: sys.settrace(>) called: This breaks some debugger functionality. Use 'Ignore Use'Ignore this exception location' in the Exceptions tool and restart debugging to suppress this warning but warningbut since I didn't get an exception in the IDE I don't see how to ignore it.
I I then added the divide by 0 which throws an exception hoping to trigger the debugger but nope. File "D:\SVNRepo\projects-sw\ESI\trunk\env\src\", line 46, in x = 0 / 0ZeroDivisionError: division by zeroOn Windows celery.exe is starting the process but pdb has been triggering in celery_worker, can I get Wing to trigger?
Win trigger?Win 7/64, Python 3.6.2 (Anaconda), Wing 6.0.7-1 (rev 47fe5b0dd72b), accept debug connections is checked, and wingdebugpw are in the same directory as
Ericas celery_worker.pyThanks,Eric