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Auto-format stops working after upgrade from 7 to 8

I recently upgraded from Wing 7 to Wing 8. Auto-formating using any of Black, PEP8 or Yapf no longer works.

I've checked the settings in both "Edit -> Preferences -> Editor -> Auto-formatting" and "Project -> Project Properties -> Options -> Auto-reformat". They both agree with "Auto-Reformat: Whole Files Before Save", and "Reformatter: Black".

I start Wing on Ubuntu 21.10 in a Python 3.10.2 virtual env. I have confirmed that all of black, pep8, yapf are installed and import properly in the Wing Python Shell under Py3.10.


Auto-format stops working after upgrade from 7 to 8

I recently upgraded from Wing 7 to Wing 8. Auto-formating using any of Black, PEP8 or Yapf no longer works.

I've checked the settings in both "Edit -> Preferences -> Editor -> Auto-formatting" and "Project -> Project Properties -> Options -> Auto-reformat". They both agree with "Auto-Reformat: Whole Files Before Save", and "Reformatter: Black".

I start Wing on Ubuntu 21.10 in a Python 3.10.2 virtual env. I have confirmed that all of black, pep8, yapf are installed and import properly in the Wing Python Shell under Py3.10.
