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remove 'Find Points of Use' highlighting after locating relevant code

'Find Points of Use' highlights the relevant source code in the editor. Unfortunately I cant seem to easily remove this highlighting, which becomes annoying after I have located what I am looking for. One way I can remove this highlighting is to search for something... inconvenient and hacky. Is there an easy way to remove the Points of Use highlighting? Thanks!

I am running Wing Pro on Linux, in case that matters.

remove 'Find Points of Use' highlighting after locating relevant code

'Find Points of Use' highlights the relevant source code in the editor. Unfortunately I cant seem to easily remove this highlighting, which becomes annoying after I have located what I am looking for. One way I can remove this highlighting is to search for something... inconvenient and hacky. Is there an easy way to remove the Points of Use highlighting? Thanks!

I am running Wing Pro on Linux, in case that matters.