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auto imports path config

I use auto imports feature a lot, it can search the python library path and import the name. In my project, there are also lots of symbol I want to use, but auto imports can't find them.

Is there a way to let auto imports find the project symbol? Pycharm can find them and import project based module name correctly.

auto imports path config

I use auto imports feature a lot, it can search the python library path and import the name. In my project, there are also lots of symbol I want to use, but auto imports can't find them.

Is there a way to let auto imports find the project symbol? Pycharm can find them and import project based module name correctly.

auto imports path config

I use auto imports feature a lot, it can search the python library path and import the name. In my project, there are also lots of symbol I want to use, but auto imports can't find them.

Is there a way to let auto imports find the project symbol? Pycharm can find them and import project based module name correctly.