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How to specify a runtime parameter during debugging
I've gone through the docs, and they seem to indicate that on the Project or Module level, in order to specify runtime arguments that override the default, we have to create a Named Entry Point or just use the Project Settings and specify the module to execute followed by the command line arguments.
My main module is called The command line parameter I want to use is d:\Projects.
So for example in "Use Project Settings and the Following Run Args", I specified d:\software,
But when running the app, there's an error
"C:\Program Files\Python313\python.exe: No module named d:\software"
It looks like anything I include as Run Args, are interpreted as modules. There doesn't seem to be a simple dialog box that assumes the project already knows the starting module, and just needs the command line arguments to be sent to the app.
I've tried several different approaches from the documentation, but none of them recognize my parameters as parameters to be input to the calling module.
I tried Youtube, and all it does is show videos about Python command line parameters, not Wing Pro.