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Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10


Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10


Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10


Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10


Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10


Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Debugger:Exception settings are

Report Exceptions: When Printed
Report PrintedReport Logged Exceptions In When Printed Mode: True

In TrueIn my exception handler I am logging the exception with logging.exception(...) so the debugger stops at the logging statement (as expected) and the logging output has been displayed in the Debug I/O window. The Exceptions toolbox window also shows a stack trace which is navigable by clicking (really nice by the way).The problem is that when I continue another stack trace is printed to the Debug I/O window. This behavior is different than what I would see on stderr when running the code from a console.

Behavior console.Behavior remains even if I ignore this exception location from the Exceptions tool.Wing version 5.1.12 (I plan on upgrading soon)Python 2.7.14Windows 10
