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It's possible to change this but currently the only clean way to also unbind the key release event is to edit the keymap.basic file in your Wing installation (rather than using the User Interface > Keyboard > Custom Key Bindings preference) and change the last two lines. For example, I changed those lines to the following as a test and it worked for me:

'Shift-Ctrl-I': 'debug-show-value-tips(release_toggle=True)', 'send-keys(keys=" ")' 'Release-Shift-Ctrl-I': 'debug-hide-value-tips'

However, on macOS you also need to comment out those lines in the keymap.osx file or uncheck the User Interface > Keyboard > Fallback to MacOS Key Bindings preference.

This is a bit obscure and I'll see if we can improve this in the future as part of reworking how key bindings are customized.