Turn off auto-evaluate in debugger?

Is there a way to tell Wing not to auto-evaluate a variable in the debugger? Here's my use case: I have a complicate Django ORM query....something like this:

my_results = Foo.objects.filter(....)

And I'm apparently getting a very bad query plan when I execute it. So what I want to do is set a breakpoint and look at my_results.query, but as soon as I type

>>> my_results

Wing stops. I'm assuming it is trying to evaluate the value of my_results so that it can help with auto-completion, but it's actually causing the underlying query to execute.

UPDATE: I think I have a little workaround. If I type str(my_results.query) into a text editor, then copy-and-paste that into the debug console, I get my SQL.

Chris Curvey's avatar
Chris Curvey
asked 2020-06-30 10:05:29 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-07-01 21:32:06 -0500
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In this case, you probably want to toggle auto-completion to off in the shell via the Options menu. Trying to get the attributes of the object is probably triggering the underlying query.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-06-30 11:06:40 -0500
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