Problem restarting WingIDE after a system crash

I have an intermittent hardware problem with my Mac Pro that causes it to reboot about once a week.  The last two times this has happened, WingIDE (v6.0.5) has been open and running.  Subsequently, it won't launch (no error message if I try to "open" it from a terminal window).  The first time this happened, I downloaded a fresh copy, and finally got _it_ to launch.  This has now happened again and I'd like to avoid having to download again.   I assume there is an application support file someplace that needs to be deleted (or something similar).  I'd appreciate any thoughts or help you could offer.When I search the system log I find:  

wing-internal-python[895]: assertion failed: 16G29: libxpc.dylib + 35110 [BF896DF0-D8E9-31A8-A4B3-01120BFEEE52]: 0x20


Bill Wing

William R Wing's avatar
William R Wing
asked 2017-08-14 13:02:00 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-03-13 08:53:23 -0500
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The .dmg that you download can be saved so you don't need to download again -- just copy the app from the .dmg into /Applications  This doesn't address why Wing fails to launch however.  Could you try downloading and overwriting the app in /Applications to see if that fixes the problem this time?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2017-08-14 14:24:00 -0500) edit

In effect, that's what I did this second time.  Unpacked the dmg, in my Downloads folder, renamed the to and then dropped the newly unpacked into the applications folder.  That prompted MacOS to tell me again that WingIDE was an application downloaded from the Internet; no surprise.  However, WingIDE still refuses to launch.  Again, I get a notice in the system log: wing-internal-python[895]: assertion failed: 16G29: libxpc.dylib + 35110 [BF896DF0-D8E9-31A8-A4B3-01120BFEEE52]: 0x20 Which is followed by a note that "--- last message repeated 11 times ---"

William R Wing's avatar William R Wing (2017-08-14 14:33:00 -0500) edit

Does it work to start Wing from a terminal with this command line? /Applications/

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2017-08-14 14:39:00 -0500) edit

No.  Interestingly enough, however, what I do get is the following response from Bash:Last login: Fri Aug 11 14:17:29 on tty??and if I issue that command again, I getLast login: Mon Aug 14 14:24:54 on ttys002

William R Wing's avatar William R Wing (2017-08-14 14:48:00 -0500) edit

Could you try: /Applications/ --verbose

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2017-08-14 14:53:00 -0500) edit
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