Edit / preferences / Debugger - limited options (no Listening option)

On one PC I have installed Wing and I can see multiple debugger preferences under edit / options / debugger.

I am helping someone using and she has very few options under debugger preferences - e.g. no options for listener, or for I/O.

Did these move under Or is there some installation step required to enable these options? The Listening option seems to be critical for debugging a program started externally. (e.g. http://wingware.com/doc/debug/debuggi...)

asked 2021-07-03 17:00:56 -0500
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Are both installations Wing Pro?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2021-07-04 14:16:57 -0500) edit

That must be the key to the problem... the problematic installation says it is "Wing 101", I did not catch that. It is the version that had been recommended to her for a course. So that makes sense that it does not have the capabilities of Wing Personal, which I installed to teach myself some Python.

Thank You!

TooSleepy's avatar TooSleepy (2021-07-04 15:21:03 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


Answer - Wing 101 does not have the same debug capabilities as Wing Personal or Wing Pro.

answered 2021-07-04 15:21:45 -0500
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