Wing 101 vs Personal debug out

In Wing 101 the standard output (e,g. from print) from a program is sent to the Python Shell panel, except when starting step debugging, in that case it is sent to Debug I/O panel. I Wing Personal, the standard output seem to be sent always to the Debug I/O panel. Do you confirm? What is the reason for this different behaviour?

steve1964's avatar
asked 2022-04-29 14:23:42 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2022-05-05 09:26:19 -0500
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Wing Personal and Wing Pro run programs in the debugger by default. You can get the Wing 101 behavior of evaluating a file in the Python Shell by using the evaluate-file-in-shell command. The reason for the difference is the the folks who helped with the original design of Wing 101 wanted to introduce the shell before the debugger.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-04-29 14:31:24 -0500
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Thanks for confirming and clarifying this. I would be more interested in a way to get the Wing Personal/Pro behaviour inside Wing 101, since for less expert people seems to be easier to understand and also more uniform across the 3 Wing versions. Why not a flag in Wing 101 to use the Debug I/O by default ?

steve1964's avatar steve1964 (2022-04-29 15:29:09 -0500) edit

In Wing 101, just use the bug icon in the toolbar to start the debugger to get the same behavior in Wing Personal and Pro. Note that difference is whether the debugger is used or not -- where the output is seen is a consequence of that. Wing 101 is designed to be use in introductory courses (e.g. CS 101) so it's intentionally different than Personal and Pro. Note that courses also have the option of using Personal or Pro if they want to use a IDE with more features.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-04-29 15:37:32 -0500) edit
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