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Can you please add Github Copilot integration?

This is a vote to support Github Copilot. Copilot is amazing, Wing IDE is amazing, so it should be a great match! Now that Copilot is released and I know the pricing is within reason, I plan to make it part of my development flow.

Right now I am using Copilot with Visual Studio Code on macOS, then cut-and-pasting the results into Wing Pro. It could be so much better! Let me know if you want a demo or need a tester.

tomacorp's avatar
asked 2022-06-21 15:55:29 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2022-07-15 08:41:15 -0500
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4 Answers


Noted, thanks. We are currently trying to find a contact at Github so we can get what we'll need to add an integration. It's unclear if they are already open to having other IDE vendors integrate copilot, but hopefully they are.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-06-21 16:30:55 -0500
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There is a neovim plugin for Github Copilot here: Maybe it could serve as an example for how to implement it.

tomacorp's avatar tomacorp (2022-06-25 00:05:11 -0500) edit

Thanks. That might help.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-06-27 08:05:19 -0500) edit

Also FYI as of now GitHub's official answer to whether they will provide docs/etc for other IDE vendors to add integrations is "this is on our radar but we do not currently have a timeline". So it's a question of whether it's possible to craft an integration based on the one for vim and any other examples that are open source. I received this answer via private communication but also added a public discussion in case it ends up being helpful for others and/or leads to further insights or useful info being shared:

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-06-28 07:58:41 -0500) edit

Any news on a Copilot integration for Wing IDE? I use Wing IDE as my main python development IDE and I'm forced to use VS Code just because of Copilot, that's how good of a tool it is to have. I personally do not like VS Code and I've been using Wing IDE for about 10 years now so It's hard to get used to a new IDE just because of a single tool, having to switch back and forth between the two IDEs is s another option but its annoying to do so.

Tukirito's avatar Tukirito (2022-10-01 07:50:53 -0500) edit

Unfortunately there's no update on this other than the fact that the public discussion I started (link above) has apparently been deleted. We'll try to follow up and I'll post again if there's any further update.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-10-02 09:53:36 -0500) edit
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What about replicode?

It might be a viable alternative to Github Copilot if I got replicode correctly :)

KhazAkar's avatar
answered 2022-11-14 04:34:49 -0500
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I'm not seeing how that's relevant and there hasn't been any work on it in 13+ months and most of it dates from 7+ years ago. We're looking at -- see to play with it. You don't have access to the codex coding-specific model unless you request the beta but the regular davinci model seems to know Python as well, in fact about as well as the codex model in my tests. I would love to hear from people that have actually used one of these AI completion solutions successfully. Maybe our code is atypical, but I've not seen any of them do much that I'd call useful (or more useful than just searching the web and finding a coherent explanation with examples). We're still planning on adding integrations anyway where ... (more)

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-11-14 08:04:15 -0500) edit

Me also, plus GitHub Copilot got class-action lawsuit, which also hits openai, which powers github copilot :)

KhazAkar's avatar KhazAkar (2022-11-14 09:40:27 -0500) edit
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It's been a year since the last answers on this; has the picture changed at all? My company has recently gotten a Copilot license, and I'd prefer to try it out from Wing and not vi or PyCharm.

akuchling's avatar
answered 2024-05-02 11:08:00 -0500
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As far as I know we still can't get what we need to do a copilot integration. However, we've now got AI assisted development based on OpenAI that I think goes beyond what copilot does. It's not just context-appropriate code suggestion, but you can also write code by typing a description of what you want, you can refactor/rewrite/change code by typing instructions for what is needed, and there's an AI chat as well, for asking about code or working through a problem without modifying code directly.

Overview of functionality is here:

And the docs (also with more examples) are here:

My impression is the latest OpenAI models do a better job that anything I managed to get out of copilot, but I'm comparing a bit unfairly since I haven't tried that again recently. Even so, we will still watch to see if we can add copilot also ... (more)

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-05-03 02:10:51 -0500) edit
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Unfortunately for now we cannot do this. Github is not ready to work with us at this time, and they do not provide any documentation or support of any kind. While it might be possible to base something on existing open source integrations, these rely on 8+ month old undocumented beta quality binary-only components which we do not want to depend on. We will keep watching this and hopefully the situation will change.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-06-28 11:18:30 -0500
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Note however that Wing Pro 10 has AI supported development features that are based on OpenAI

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-03-05 09:26:30 -0500) edit
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