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Font's on multi-monitor setup not rendering correctly

Found something strange. I believe I know what is causing it but figured I'd paste it here just in case. New to code and Python. Really like the Wing IDE. My computer has two monitors. One is the laptop monitor (1920x1080). That I have showing text at 125%. The second is a larger monitor at 1920x1080 but because it is larger the text is at 100%. When switching monitors, font rendering is way off.

I am including four screenshots. Screenshot 1: Wing IDE opened up on monitor 1 and viewed on monitor 1. (looks good) Screenshot 2: Wing IDE after I have dragged the IDE over to monitor 2. (fake spaces inserted) Screenshot 3: Wing IDE opened up on monitor 2 and viewed on monitor 2. (looks good) Screenshot 4: Wing IDE after I have dragged the IDE over to monitor 1. (fonts squished together)

For screenshot 2, you will notice the empty "spaces" (like the ones after the text 'new_states_2.json' , 'w')... I say "spaces" because I can put my cursor in there and use the left and right arrows to move 1 at a time. However, if I hit the delete key, all the space as gone and one of the characters is erased (could be the "s" in json, or the ending ', etc).

I am almost certain it is the 125% on monitor one and the 100% on monitor 2 setting. But this is something I have not seen before with any of my other programs (Notepad++, LibreOffice, Visual Studio, etc).

I do not know if there is a setting I can change to fix this or not. But regardless I thought I'd mention it in case it was something that could be addressed.


I'm including the screenshots as links because they are kind of large.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

Screenshot 3:

Screenshot 4:

new_to_code's avatar
asked 2019-05-10 14:57:30 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-01-22 19:51:08 -0500
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What version of Wing is this? Wing 7 may do a better job than Wing 6, but I'm not certain about whether it does in this case of dragging windows between monitors with different resolutions. Would be useful to know if Wing 7 also does this. Thanks!

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-05-13 07:42:21 -0500) edit

i have just installed Wing 7 Personal and it is showing the same issue. The resolution of both monitors is 1920x1080. It is just on monitor #1 I have the Scale and Layout set to 125% verson 100% on monitor 2.

new_to_code's avatar new_to_code (2019-05-15 10:16:02 -0500) edit

i have just installed Wing 7 Personal and it is showing the same issue. I did uninstall Wing 6 Personal before installing Wing 7. The resolution of both monitors is 1920x1080. It is just on monitor #1 I have the Scale and Layout set to 125% verson 100% on monitor 2.

new_to_code's avatar new_to_code (2019-05-15 10:16:35 -0500) edit

Are you using Windows? If so, what version?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-05-15 10:19:28 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


This problem has been around for a very, very long time. It's more of a Windows problem than a Wing IDE problem, but is relatively easily solved. Open Wing IDE. On the task bar right click Wing. Locate the base Wing program in the list that pops up - mine is Wing 7.2. Right-click that and choose Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab. Click the "Change High DPI Settings" button. At the bottom of the box in the High DPI Settings Override box, click the checkbox next to Override High DPI scaling behavior, and make sure the Scaling Performed by dropdown says Application. Save those settings, close Wing, and then open it again. You should be set.

answered 2023-01-23 11:17:46 -0500
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Thanks for adding this answer! I should note that newer versions of Wing may do a better job with this out of the box due to being based on newer versions of Qt, but I'm not sure of the details.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2023-01-23 14:56:19 -0500) edit
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