Does django show migrations command take into account environment variables set in project properties?

I have a function in my django settings which reads the VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT environment variable. When I run the wing command django show migrations, the environment variable is not appropriately set. I have set the virtual environment in the python environment of the project properties. I have also added in the inherited environment ! VIRTUAL_ENV = '' Did I do something wrong?

piscvau's avatar
asked 2023-06-09 10:00:14 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2024-03-05 09:23:12 -0500
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It should be setting the environment to what the project defines. What version of Wing is this? I think there were fixes to this in semi-recent versions.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2023-06-09 11:30:49 -0500
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