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Virtualenv active indicator

Unlike when activating venv via CMD, I can't tell whether the venv is active when opening a Wing project. While I can check to see that the path to the bat is in the project preferences section, there is no guarantee the right path was entered.

anonymous user
asked 2024-10-16 03:58:37 -0500
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If you set Python Executable in Project Properties (from the Project menu) to the Python in the venv then the env will be activated for all debugged or executed code and in the Python Shell tool. You can either use the Activated Env option to set the full path to the 'activate' script for the env or use the Command Line option to set the full path to the python or python.exe in the env.

You can verify that it's activated by printing the value of sys.executable in Python (after 'import sys'). It should be a path to the python executable in the env.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-10-16 17:09:16 -0500
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