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Wing 10 removes padding between characters - how to turn it off

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In Wing 8 I could enter some characters (like for a variable name), press tab a time or two and then enter an "=" to line the "="s up in group of assignments. The padding between the variable name and the "=" was not changed. Here's an exaggerated example:

  var1     = "a"
  var22    = "b"

I don't use tab characters only spaces.

In Wing 10 if I enter some characters and then enter more than one space when I enter the next non-space character all of the spaces I entered are removed and replaced with a single space followed by the character I just entered.

How can I turn this off in Wing 10?

MikeA's avatar
asked 2024-11-02 21:52:35 -0500
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1 Answer


Found it.

In Preferences/Editor/Auto-editing unchecked Enforce PEP 8 Style Spacing.

MikeA's avatar
answered 2024-11-02 22:38:54 -0500
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