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Renaming file with git

Renaming source files from outside with git ('git mv' for example) is recognized from the toolboxes 'project' tab, but this information will not be propagated to any open editor tabs. Even if the file in question had been saved beforehand, the tab name remains the same. You can even edit the bogus file further, but when saving it, it will be recognized as missing.

Renaming file with git

Renaming source files from outside with git ('git mv' for example) is recognized from the toolboxes 'project' tab, but this information will not be propagated to any open editor tabs. Even if the file in question had been saved beforehand, the tab name remains the same. You can even edit the bogus file further, but when saving it, it will be recognized as missing.

Renaming file with git

Renaming source files from outside with git ('git mv' for example) is recognized from the toolboxes 'project' tab, but this information will not be propagated to any open editor tabs. Even if the file in question had been saved beforehand, the tab name remains the same. You can even edit the bogus file further, but when saving it, it will be recognized as missing.

Renaming file with git

Renaming source files from outside with git ('git mv' for example) is recognized from the toolboxes 'project' tab, but this information will not be propagated to any open editor tabs. Even if the file in question had been saved beforehand, the tab name remains the same. You can even edit the bogus file further, but when saving it, it will be recognized as missing.