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pytest runner issue

I use WingWare with a project structure generation tool called pyscaffold (its very cool, and helps to ensure all your imports always work). Recently I have started to get errors on Linux and Windows when running pytest tests on pyscaffold projects from within Wingware Pro. On the command line pytest and python test all work fine. But when I run pytest from within Wing in the same environment I get this error: ERROR: usage:[options][file_or_dir][file_or_dir][...] error: unrecognized arguments: --verbose inifile: c: \Users\chq - andym\projects\mattermost\setup.cfg rootdir: c: \Users\chq - andym\projects\mattermost

I have a setup.cfg that the pyscaffold-created reads, and the pytest sections look like this:

[tool:pytest] # Options for py.test: # Specify command line options as you would do when invoking py.test directly. # e.g. --cov-report html (or xml) for html/xml output or --junitxml junit.xml # in order to write a coverage file that can be read by Jenkins. addopts = --cov mattermost --cov-report term-missing --verbose norecursedirs = dist build .tox testpaths = tests

If I comment out the --verbose pytest runs I tried changing --verbose to -v and it still fails. Also, I tried --version and -v on the -cov etc line and it still fails

It would be great if this can be fixed. Thanks! And btw, it would be fantastic if Wing could integrate with Pyscaffold in the New Project dialog

pytest runner issue

I use WingWare with a project structure generation tool called pyscaffold (its very cool, and helps to ensure all your imports always work). Recently I have started to get errors on Linux and Windows when running pytest tests on pyscaffold projects from within Wingware Pro. On the command line pytest and python test all work fine. But when I run pytest from within Wing in the same environment I get this error: ERROR: usage:[options][file_or_dir][file_or_dir][...] error: unrecognized arguments: --verbose inifile: c: \Users\chq - andym\projects\mattermost\setup.cfg rootdir: c: \Users\chq - andym\projects\mattermost

I have a setup.cfg that the pyscaffold-created reads, and the pytest sections look like this:

[tool:pytest] # Options for py.test: # Specify command line options as you would do when invoking py.test directly. # e.g. --cov-report html (or xml) for html/xml output or --junitxml junit.xml # in order to write a coverage file that can be read by Jenkins. addopts = --cov mattermost --cov-report term-missing --verbose norecursedirs = dist build .tox testpaths = tests

If I comment out the --verbose pytest runs I tried changing --verbose to -v and it still fails. Also, I tried --version and -v on the -cov etc line and it still fails

It would be great if this can be fixed. Thanks! And btw, it would be fantastic if Wing could integrate with Pyscaffold in the New Project dialog