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OS Console remote terminal won't start

I have a remote project (Raspbian host) set up that is working well (WxPython development) but the Terminal under OS Console gets an error: Process failed to start: which() got an unexpected keyword argument 'env'

Is opening a terminal on a remote host supported?

OS Console remote terminal won't start

I have a remote project (Raspbian host) set up that is working well (WxPython development) but the Terminal under OS Console gets an error: Process failed to start: which() got an unexpected keyword argument 'env'

Is opening a terminal on a remote host supported?

OS Console remote terminal won't start

I have a remote project (Raspbian host) set up that is working well (WxPython development) but the Terminal under OS Console gets an error: Process failed to start: which() got an unexpected keyword argument 'env'

Is opening a terminal on a remote host supported?