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hover over function to see popup help of parms etc

I'm trying to convert from pycharm to wing and a feature that I find helpful is to hover over a function/method and a popup with help (format and parameters) will appear... anything in wing to do the same thing??

also... I have an external tool defined in pycharm to run pyinstaller and produce an exe file with a simple click within pycharm... anything in wing to do the same thing?

hover over function to see popup help of parms etc

I'm trying to convert from pycharm to wing and a feature that I find helpful is to hover over a function/method and a popup with help (format and parameters) will appear... anything in wing to do the same thing??

also... I have an external tool defined in pycharm to run pyinstaller and produce an exe file with a simple click within pycharm... anything in wing to do the same thing?

Revision 1

hover over function to see popup help of parms etc

I'm trying to convert from pycharm to wing and a feature that I find helpful is to hover over a function/method and a popup with help (format and parameters) will appear... anything in wing to do the same thing??

also... I have an external tool defined in pycharm to run pyinstaller and produce an exe file with a simple click within pycharm... anything in wing to do the same thing?