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Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

When I collapse blocks of code empty lines between blocks are also become hidden which makes code badly readable. It would be better if at least one line (of more than one empty lines between blocks) stayed visible when blocks are collapsed. Is it possible to configure Wing IDE like that?so this: would collapse like this: instead of this: Because now Wing collapses every empty line no matter how many I insert. (((

Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

When I collapse blocks of code empty lines between blocks are also become hidden which makes code badly readable. It would be better if at least one line (of more than one empty lines between blocks) stayed visible when blocks are collapsed. Is it possible to configure Wing IDE like that?so this: would collapse like this: instead of this: Because now Wing collapses every empty line no matter how many I insert. (((

Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

When I collapse blocks of code empty lines between blocks are also become hidden which makes code badly readable. It would be better if at least one line (of more than one empty lines between blocks) stayed visible when blocks are collapsed. Is it possible to configure Wing IDE like that?so this: would collapse like this: instead of this: Because now Wing collapses every empty line no matter how many I insert. (((