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run external command in its own console from a plugin ?

How can I run an external command in its own Windows console from a Wing plugin ? Let assume, as example, the command:

make -C output -f build.mak

I tried something like:

app = wingapi.gApplication app.CreateChildProcess(['make', '-C', 'output', '-f', 'build.mak'], dirname=prj_dir)

but I do not see any effect.

run external command in its own console from a plugin ?

How can I run an external command in its own Windows console from a Wing plugin ? Let assume, as example, the command:

make -C output -f build.mak

I tried something like:

app = wingapi.gApplication app.CreateChildProcess(['make', '-C', 'output', '-f', 'build.mak'], dirname=prj_dir)

but I do not see any effect.