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use alt-n and alt-p to nagivate repl history.

I use alt n, alt p in emacs repl. alt n is next history item and alt p is previous history item in repl.

Can I use these two key mapping in wing pro? I didn't find the right command to do such thing. There is only repl-ctrl-up command.

use alt-n and alt-p to nagivate repl history.

I use alt n, alt p in emacs repl. alt n is next history item and alt p is previous history item in repl.

Can I use these two key mapping in wing pro? I didn't find the right command to do such thing. There is only repl-ctrl-up command.

use alt-n and alt-p to nagivate repl history.

I use alt n, alt p in emacs repl. alt n is next history item and alt p is previous history item in repl.

Can I use these two key mapping in wing pro? I didn't find the right command to do such thing. There is only repl-ctrl-up command.

use alt-n and alt-p to nagivate repl history.

I use alt n, alt p in emacs repl. alt n is next history item and alt p is previous history item in repl.

Can I use these two key mapping in wing pro? I didn't find the right command to do such thing. There is only repl-ctrl-up command.