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Wing Pro 9 freezes when debugging pygame-ce project

I'm using Wing Pro in Ubuntu 22.04.

My project uses pygame-ce (ce is community edition) with Python 3.10.12

When I put a breakpoint to debug my pygame project, Wing IDE freezes and then I must use htop to terminate the process and then restart Wing.

Wing will also freeze sometimes when my code raises an exception. I haven't had this issue with other libraries such as tkinter; I think this issue is specific to pygame. Any ideas?

Wing Pro 9 freezes when debugging pygame-ce project

I'm using Wing Pro in Ubuntu 22.04.

My project uses pygame-ce (ce is community edition) with Python 3.10.12

When I put a breakpoint to debug my pygame project, Wing IDE freezes and then I must use htop to terminate the process and then restart Wing.

Wing will also freeze sometimes when my code raises an exception. I haven't had this issue with other libraries such as tkinter; I think this issue is specific to pygame. Any ideas?

Wing Pro 9 freezes when debugging pygame-ce project

I'm using Wing Pro in Ubuntu 22.04.

My project uses pygame-ce (ce is community edition) with Python 3.10.12

edition). When I put a breakpoint to debug my pygame project, Wing IDE freezes and then I must use htop to terminate the process and then restart Wing.

Wing. Wing will also freeze sometimes when my code raises an exception. I haven't had this issue with other libraries such as tkinter; I think this issue is specific to pygame. Any ideas?