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Visually distinguish/protect files in site-packages?

Is there a way to visually distinguish or protect files that are in site-packages as opposed to the project directory?

Sometimes I will be editing a module and a bug is exposed in a different module. However, that other module hasn't been added to the environment in editable mode and instead is in site-packages. Sometimes I don't notice this, fix the bug, and sometime later get confused when the fix has disappeared because I didn't fix it in the development location.

Ideally, I'd like to optionally set the background of the editor for source files in site-packages/* to a different colour than files in my project's directory.

Thinking about it further, perhaps it'd also be useful to be able to (optionally) set files in site-packages/* to read-only as well/alternatively. Or at least a warning pop-up letting you know when you save a file that the file is in site-packages.