tinjaw's profile - karma

tinjaw's karma change log

15 0 Difficulty w/ New Project w/ Existing Virtualenv (2019-11-27 09:44:10 -0500)

10 0 Difficulty w/ New Project w/ Existing Virtualenv (2019-11-27 09:43:53 -0500)

10 0 Not a question. A statement. Thanks for the GREAT SUPPORT (2019-11-27 09:43:42 -0500)

2 0 Refreshing Virtual Environment (2019-11-26 10:57:41 -0500)

2 0 How do I set a Launch Configuration to use the -m convention? (2019-11-26 10:54:31 -0500)

2 0 Importing GitHub.com repo as new project (2019-11-26 10:54:19 -0500)

10 0 How do I set a Launch Configuration to use the -m convention? (2019-11-26 08:27:47 -0500)

10 0 Refreshing Virtual Environment (2019-11-26 08:27:32 -0500)

10 0 Importing GitHub.com repo as new project (2019-11-26 08:27:17 -0500)