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2017-09-27 12:16:00 -0500 commented answer Link *.py files to wing-personal.exe

OK, thanks, if I can help reproduce things just let me know. This is a Win7 system, most actual version.

2017-09-27 01:22:00 -0500 commented answer Link *.py files to wing-personal.exe

What I do is the following (descriptions may not reflect the actual labels of buttons etc since I am translating from Ge

2017-09-26 15:18:00 -0500 commented answer Link *.py files to wing-personal.exe

I did not install or reinstall Python after installing Wing.It is correct that "Edit with Wing" from the right click men

2017-09-26 13:09:00 -0500 asked a question Link *.py files to wing-personal.exe

Link *.py files to wing-personal.exe In Windows 7, I'd like to have the IDE start up as soon as I double click on a *.py