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Arjaan Buijk's profile - activity

2020-08-11 09:04:20 -0500 received badge Teacher ( source )
2020-08-11 09:04:20 -0500 received badge Necromancer ( source )
2020-08-11 08:02:45 -0500 edited answer How do I edit hidden files on a mac

This is a good workaround to open a hidden file like .gitignore in the editor, and then also add it to the project: Us

2020-08-11 08:01:55 -0500 answered a question How do I edit hidden files on a mac

This is a good workaround to open a hidden file like .gitignore in the editor, and then also add it to the project: Us

2020-08-10 21:47:10 -0500 commented question How do I edit hidden files on a mac

I see the same behavior when trying to add .gitignore using 'Add an existing file'. The file is greyed out and cannot be