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A vital question and suddenly my experience will help. :)

Will be required:

  • Graphviz desirable (2.38)

  • gprof2dot If the question is what is it, then we take it here

I used to use two OS commands

  • gprof2dot -o s.res -f pstats .prof
  • c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe -Tpng -Tps s.res -o CreateBasemain.png

Now use DebugProfileTools

from DebugProfileTools import (profile)


some code


@profile def Create(): .... the profiled function. This is usually main ....

Below are the profiling results of a module CreateBase.

Each subsequent call overwrites the previous not at coincidence of names, and creates the index file in parentheses.

*.prof file the result of the Profiler, cProfile *.res graph-reading assignment utility Graphviz prepared gprof2dot *.png graph-a picture of function calls *.txt report in text form

A vital question and suddenly my experience will help. :)

Will be required:

  • Graphviz desirable (2.38)

  • gprof2dot If the question is what is it, then we take it here

I used to use two OS commands

  • gprof2dot -o s.res -f pstats .prof

  • c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe -Tpng -Tps s.res -o CreateBasemain.png

Now use DebugProfileTools

from DebugProfileTools import (profile)


some code


@profile def Create(): .... the profiled function. This is usually main ....

Below are the profiling results of a module CreateBase.

Each subsequent call overwrites the previous not at coincidence of names, and creates the index file in parentheses.

*.prof file the result of the Profiler, cProfile *.res graph-reading assignment utility Graphviz prepared gprof2dot *.png graph-a picture of function calls *.txt report in text form