Can't install Wing on Windows 10

I just downloaded the wing-101- installer. When I try to execute the file, a box pops up saying: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path , or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

I have administrative privileges and have not experienced a similar event while trying to run any other executable. I have tried running it as administrator and even tried copying the file to another location. Nothing seems to work.

Does anyone have an idea to get around this issue?

ssbennet's avatar
asked 2020-01-22 17:26:49 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-02-06 15:46:24 -0500
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One idea is to use the .zip installer instead from https://wingware.com/downloads/wing10...

That just unpacks and you run wing-101.exe from inside the unpacked directory.

And sorry, I don't have any idea why Windows would do this if you are administrator.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-01-22 20:11:44 -0500
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