objects.all() - Attribute undefined: .objects of ******: ******

Why does Wing complain about objects.all() in my views? It runs perfectly otherwise. I'm not sure why anyone else has not posed the question either, as far as I can tell. Is there something I'm missing?

DaveJ61's avatar
asked 2020-02-25 21:05:51 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-02-25 21:16:11 -0500
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2 Answers


+1 if we could find a way to hint Wing that "any instance of subclass of django.models.Model contains the following methods: objects, DoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned"....

Chris Curvey's avatar
Chris Curvey
answered 2020-05-05 15:31:54 -0500
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This is due to how Django classes are implemented. The warnings can be disabled by clicking on the red X beside the warning in the warning list or in the tooltip displayed for the warning.

We plan to improve this in future releases.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-02-26 11:01:29 -0500
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Hi, Is this also true of:-




which also displays the same attribute undefined warning...?


DaveJ61's avatar DaveJ61 (2020-02-26 21:40:27 -0500) edit

It's probably also true in these cases. In general, if the attributes are valid when you run or debug the warnings are spurious and should be disabled.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2020-02-27 10:24:26 -0500) edit
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