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Python multiprocessing module

History ... I procured 4 seats in 2018 of version 6. Enjoyed the fork capability at the time. I started trying to debug some code which spawned processes using the multiprocessing module. Decided to try your latest and am in the the process of procuring an upgrade. Same issues. Here the code spawing the process ...

    self.m_print("Plot Otc Constellation")
    p = multiprocessing.Process(name="oiqc", 
        args=("OtcConstellation", "oiqc", self.s_nAbort, self.m_devIf))

Debug seem to be trying ... i'm getting these message in the log file.

Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06E4F4C8 to 0x0000000000000000
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C07B80048 to 0x0000000000000000
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C07B9A238 to 0x0000000000000000
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C069E1668 to 0x0000000000000000
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06E4B478 to 0x0000000000000000
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06770428 to 0x0000000000000000
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - '_CB_DebugThread called with thread_id =' 1700883292192 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'TState ID policies are:' {} 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Thread Ident policies are:' {} 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Thread Ident is:' 17740 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - '_CB_DebugThread returning' 1 
in call: name = wrapper, lineno = 4035, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C0709BB38, thread = 17740
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C07B955B8 to 0x0000000000000000
in call: name = wraps, lineno = 67, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C06A30318, thread = 17740
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C0492B4B8 to 0x0000000000000000
Not stopping here because stop_frame == NULL
in call: name = update_wrapper, lineno = 37, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C06A30318, thread = 17740
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06A82248 to 0x0000000000000000
Calling idle cb
in dispatch_line: file=c:\Users\landle\.conda\envs\env3.7\lib\, lineno=53
Not stopping here because stop_frame == NULL
Not stopping here because stop_frame == NULL
in call: name = RunWithDbgServerMutex, lineno = 4005, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C0709BB38, thread = 17740
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06D227C8 to 0x0000000000000000
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Acquiring dbgserver mutex in RunWithDbgServerMutex for <function CDbgServer._CB_InstallStartThreadHooks at 0x0000018C06F37EE8>' 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Releasing dbgserver mutex in RunWithDbgServerMutex' 
Not stopping here because stop_frame == NULL
Not stopping here because stop_frame == NULL
Succeeded to set eval_frame function
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Reading C:\\Users\\landle\\Documents\\GitLab\\zcu102_sw\\Target\\scripts\\devMenu\\' 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Converting file contents to Python 3.x string (unicode)' 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Compiling C:\\Users\\landle\\Documents\\GitLab\\zcu102_sw\\Target\\scripts\\devMenu\\' 
wingdbg - 2020/04/08 09:28:13 - 2228 - 'Executing C:\\Users\\landle\\Documents\\GitLab\\zcu102_sw\\Target\\scripts\\devMenu\\' 
in call: name = <module>, lineno = 3, locals = 0x0000018C06BDB408, globals = 0x0000018C06BDB408, thread = 17740
MODULE RELOAD DETECTION: C:\Users\landle\Documents\GitLab\zcu102_sw\Target\scripts\devMenu\
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C06C363E8 to 0x0000000000000000
in call: name = _find_and_load, lineno = 978, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C065D4BD8, thread = 17740
Setting f_trace in frame 0x0000018C07129DD8 to 0x0000000000000000
in call: name = __init__, lineno = 143, locals = 0x0000000000000000, globals = 0x0000018C065D4BD8 ...
updated 2020-04-08 11:12:56 -0600
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Are you trying to stop at a breakpoint in the spawned process or is it failing in some other way? Could you submit a bug report from Wing's Help menu? That would send us some information about your system.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2020-04-08 15:05:27 -0600) edit
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1 Answer


This is caused by a change in Python 3.7.3 that broke multiprocessing child process debugging in Wing. The problem will be fixed in our next update (

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-04-10 09:18:51 -0600, updated 2020-04-13 09:49:20 -0600
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